Tempo 65
On Web MIDI enabled browsers (i.e. Chrome) you can select a connected MIDI device from above and produce sounds externally.
When using MIDI, messages for each instrument are sent on separate MIDI channels: 1, 2, 3, and 4. Percussion is sent on channel 7.
You can use the mouse to click on any measure to switch to it, or pan around by dragging.
Use the wheel (or two-finger scroll) to zoom in and out.
Using the keyboard, you can move around between adjacent patterns using the arrow keys ←, →, ↑, ↓.
You can also switch directly to any given pattern:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
to switch between chords (rows)
q, w, e, r, t, y, u
to switch between interpolations (columns)
You're seeing a 7x7 grid of musical measures generated by a deep neural network. More specifically, these are musical measures sampled from a latent space of music by a variational autoencoder model called MusicVAE, trained by Google Magenta.
You can listen to each measure and freely move around the grid, creating your own musical patterns.
The left and right edges of the grid are based on the measures you picked on the first page. The columns between them are interpolations between those measures. Each row should thus present a relatively smooth incremental transition between measures as you move through it horizontally.
The rows of the grid correspond to the seven chords I-VII of the key selected on the first page. We are currently playing in the key of and the chords are .